Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm in love with fall

So fall is just around the FAVORITE time of the year!!! I just love the weather, the fashion, the food...everything about fall. However, being pregnant I have been pretty sad at the attire that I'll be tied to this more skinnies with boots and long tunics or cardigans :( boo.
I've already started off with the soups..which Hey now people, what happened with soup-er friday?huh?...Yeah everyone should do it!! This friday I will be making either O'charley's loaded potato soup, cheesy chicken chowder, or clam chowder...haven't decided yet. And boy oh boy am I ready to make loaddddds of pumpkin yummies!!!

I feel awful but I just don't have time right now to post photos, I will tomorrow I'm sure when I actually have time. I've been alone all week with Aaron off in Albuquerque and have kept myself VERY busy. I still need to post photos of the baby shower festivities which were awesome...I was really happy with the shower. Now our house is packed to the brim with baby things and I'm feeling extremely chlostrophobic and ready to move. But this week I had a large bridal shower cake, a birthday cake, cupcakes, and practice+actually doing a girls hair and make up for the homecoming court. I'm so excited about the bridal shower's one of the largest I've done so far (3 tiers) and I took a big risk piping black onto a white cake but I love it! I'll post pictures soon

P.S. pray for my accident prone hubby that is up on a roof again today..He's already fallen off and landed straight on his bad knee and my brother in law has already almost fallen off and dislocated his thumb...not good!

1 comment:

  1. Oh soup-er friday will be back. no worries! glad you're feeling good. don't let being preg stop you from wearing what you would normally wear. i love long tunics on pregos def. you may have to get some longer cardigins! ha but, you're adorable and young you can wear what makes you feel good!


Me and my wonderful Hubby

Me and my wonderful Hubby
So you think our baby will have dark hair?? he he

Kinda scary...

Kinda scary...
But we love it :)