Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weddings/Baby Movement

Wow! I have been so busy this is like the first time i could sit down without having something to do. Between getting things ready for our little guy, editing, wrapping up my look books,and consultations I have been soooo worn out lately. I just feel like i haven't stopped! I'm not complaining though :)...I got two weddings coming up in which I am doing the photography and the wedding cakes both and they are beautiful cakes so it will be very fun! I got an order today for a bridal shower cake that I'm pretty sure I will be in love with...White with black flowers and silver accents with a pink ribbon around each tier..lovely! I also have the sweetest tutu to make...all black with a HUGE pink bow at the waist and rhinestones for ballet class and some bows...So I'm pretty busy!

ANYWAY..Enough about all the business talk. Let's get to the fun stuff....NOAH :) my little man is quite the mover and groover. He's getting bigger and it is so cool how i can actually see my stomach move when he's doing flips/kicking/who knows what in there. He moves allll day long takes a nap in the evening i think and loves to wake up and kick me like a mule right when i start going to sleep. Nice right? Probably just preparing me for when he's actually here lol. It's so weird how they shift their little bodies around in is the coolest feeling ever! So in about 5 days i will officially be seven months..too bad I'll still have like two and a half at least more :(
So I am sooo excited that the baby shower is coming up soon! I've been looking forward to it i think the whole time I've been pregnant (is that weird?) lol...I've had the sketch made of the cake and the cookies forEVER so I'm excited to make those and just spoil our little guy.

When we first found out we were having a boy my biggest anxiety about it was "oh my gosh. where the heck am i going to find non cheesy cute baby boy clothes???" ha Silly. I have managed to find them and I am so excited to see my little man! I think that kenneth cole makes just the most adorable little baby boy clothes! He's going to look like a little man in his ensambles :)

So I'm over the really tired part and never had any real sickness but geeze. Now I feel like my stomach is going to pull apart. Everyone that feels my belly freaks out and say it's the hardest prego belly ever hah and It is. My tummy like doesn't give at all when you feel it...And I'm so ready to be able to wear normal clothes. I think I've cried like three times about it to be honest. Especially when you go shopping with girls and they get adorable clothes and you just have to wait until you get this basketball tummy gone...But he's worth it :)


  1. Interesting. I didint' know you were doing tutus and bows now? (busy chick!!) I was curious when you asked me that day at the pool, but I thought you were just curious in case Noah was a girl. Very cool though. Would love to see what you make- I love girlie stuff! :)

  2. i'm so proud of you and your business endeavors!!! it's getting hard to bend over these days, huh!! i hate having to scrub floors or tubs, or just picking things up off the floor!!!! only about 6 weeks to go here!! can't wait!

  3. it's so hard to find stuff to wear while prego... especially for petite people i think it is much harder... i got my figure back for all of about 3 weeks before getting prego again... so i totally feel ya on just wanting to feel "normal" again!


Me and my wonderful Hubby

Me and my wonderful Hubby
So you think our baby will have dark hair?? he he

Kinda scary...

Kinda scary...
But we love it :)