Well today my hubby had to leave for work for a few days (I hate it...I'm so bored and I miss him too much when he's gone, it's bad) so I decided I'd call over my little cousin Erin A.K.A. baker in training :)
We made from scratch snickerdoodles...And I must say they were YUMMY!
On another note...Is it normal for your ribs to KILL while being pregnant. Yeah, I know some womens do because their baby is kicking them etc. but I have had it for like 3 months now that my left side from my back all the way around the front of my ribs hurts constantly no matter what. It is sooo uncomfortable and it's worse when I try to sleep. It has gotten to the point that sometimes it hurts when I breath unless I sit wayyyy far up and stretch. So not fun...
If you ignore the fact that my eyes are sooo squinted you can barely see them or just that this is an awful picture in general, you can see my 'days away from 7 months' belly...Which had to of seemed larger than usual today. Most people have been telling me I look small for almost 7 mo. until today with this dress a man said "wow you look like you are are about ready to have em' huh?" ...gotta love those comments while you are pregnant right?
i think you look great!