Thursday, October 29, 2009

TuTuCute Baby Line

I posted a few days ago talking about the new baby collection that I'm going to start doing. Here are a few samples of the diaper wipes cases that I'm doing. Each diaper wipes case is custom tailored from fabric to embellishments. Each case is padded so that it is durable being thrown around in a baby bag and covered in a fabric of your choosing. You can also elect to add embellishments, monograms, initials, etc. to make it your own. Each case also comes full with huggies baby wipes.

The wipes cases will all have coordinating Diaper/Wipes Carriers that coordinate in fabric and can hold 5-6 diapers along with the wipes case. This makes it easier when on the go. You can just put your wipes and diapers in one place and when you need to change you don't have to dig through your diaper bag or even carry it, what you need will be in one place. These will be posted soon as that I JUST finished the Custom hospital Gown :)

I will also be posting photos of the matching blankets/lovies that can go along with your set

This is a Custom Hospital Gown because really, who likes to wear those thin as paper, same as everyone, show your backside gown while in the Hospital? I certainly don't. That's why this gown was made. It too can come in any fabric of your choosing and have any kind of closure you choose as well because, you want to look cute when you bring your sweet little one into the world and EVERYONE comes to see you :)

TuTuCute Bows

Hair bows are all one of a kind custom bows that can be made to order to designed by the customer..I can do any color combination you wish and you get to pick your style. Each bow is attached to your choice of a spring load clip or alligator clip that is covered in a coordinating ribbon for easy transition from wearing it with a headband to big girls who can simply wear them alone. Here are some that I finished a couple of weeks ago and just now got the time to add. TuTuCute Bows are sold at and can be ordered through Knickers and Petticoats and A Wonderful Life both on main st. in Washington or through me :)...(if you are a reader of this blog i would love to suggest you just order through me and save yourself some cash!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Adorable Baby Stuff!!!

Ok so i don't know if you guys have seen the ADORABLE custom wipes cases and diaper/wipes carriers but I'm starting to do them :) This pattern is like one that I'm going to start for Noah...I'm going to do the diaper and wipes stuff, lovie, and blanket as well as some burp clothes :)

I'm also doing three other patterns right nowwwwww yayyyy for custom cute baby stuff!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Prego Belly!! Pictures finally

ok so i have concluded i am the worst about adding prego pictures so i made aaron take a couple to make you happy :)

35.5 Weeks....YAYY NOAH!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm such a bad blogger!

Geez, it seems like forever and a day that I actually sat down and put up a post! Bad blogger I know. Things have been preeeetty crazy around the Willis home lately. I've been going non stop and so has my wonderful hubby trying to finish our home (my oh my...are we ready for that day!) So here's a little update on our lives :)

I am now 35 weeks preggers and had an apt. yesterday they said everything is going well and I'm FINALLY measuring right where i need to be! Noah is going to be here before we know it...or at least I hope so because I am getting miserable! Between the back aches,hip pain and the hippo feet/ankles that decided they would show up to party these last couple weeks, I'm ready to get this boy out!!! Aaron has told me that once we hit 37 (full term) it's time to break out the raspberry tea and Caster Oil (sp?) He's about as ready as I am!!

I've finnnnnnally slowed down a bit....Starting this week I am only doing TuTu Boutique orders until my little man gets here..Well, and wrapping up some editing. I've looked back at my beginning bows and my oh my i felt embarrassed lol..So I've been doing A LOT lately and i'll post some photos tomorrow when I post a belly picture too!! I've been getting custom orders plus my bows are being sold at A Wonderful Life along with the other TuTu Boutique lines as well as Knickers and Petticoats on Main St. But if any of you bloggers want to order just go through me so you don't have to pay the jacked up price! ;)

My poor hubby has been working his tail off so that we can get in our house...All the rooms that will have carpet got done yesterday and there really isn't too much big stuff left to do...just installing bathroom stuff and our cabinets and sinks and then it's just the small annoying stuff like light fixtures and trim...So we are PRAYING that we are in by this upcoming Friday..Oh Lord, I would be ecstatic!!!!!

Hmmm well, now I'm off to go get some photos out of here and finish some bows :)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and if you have any suggestions on things to pack in our overnight bag that you don't usually think of let me know!! :)....I've been stressing that i will forget something...oh and let's all give a prayer that Noah decides he would like to join the world in a couple weeks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Photography Posts

Check out the new posts at the photography website

Link on the side

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sneak Peek..Abigail Grace

I couldn't help but add a few of this little angel :)

Sneak Peek..Purcell Wedding

Just a few for now....

Custom Cakery/Blue Cherry Blossoms

This cake was created for a couple renewing their wedding vows.

  • Two Tier fondant covered cake 8" and 6"
  • Flavors: Top tier was french vanilla and vanilla buttercream bottom tier was dark chocolate fudge with buttercream filling
  • Adorned with: Cherry blossoms and branches made of fondant

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Custom Cakery/Wilton Wedding Cake

This wedding cake was made for an October wedding in which i did the photography as well as provide the wedding cake and coordinating 3 tier wedding cake cookies. The bride brought me a photo torn out of the Wilton wedding cake magazine and I was really happy with the end result it looked identical and she was really happy!

  • 3 Tier fondant covered wedding cake
  • Flavor: whole cake was french vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream and fresh raspberry filling
  • Adorned with: Differentiating sizes of fondant balls around the bases of each tier as well as all over

Monday, October 5, 2009

8 Months and counting down

So as of this past saturday I am officially 8 months pregnant!! Whoo hoo we are finally getting to the home stretch. Right now I'm not nervous rather, I am extremely anxious to see this amazing little guy. It is a little humorous with my prego tummy right now...he's been shifting his whole body to one side the past few i was in line at wal mart and the girl in front of me was staring strangly at my belly like something was wrong. So i looked down to see that one side of my tummy was almost close to normal and the other side was completely bulging out lol Funny stuff

Well, our house is still not ready :( boo. But we're getting really close!!!! Everything is painted. We have the wood floors done downstairs and they are in the middle of doing all the tile work in the bathrooms which will be done this week and the cabinets are all installed. So all that is left is the carpeting and installing all the lights...So we are hopefully getting in by the 20th..thats Aarons guess :)

Well short and sweet.
I have got to go finish some bows and edit some wedding photos...oh i'll post pics of my first wedding cake soon

Me and my wonderful Hubby

Me and my wonderful Hubby
So you think our baby will have dark hair?? he he

Kinda scary...

Kinda scary...
But we love it :)